Louis des Landes
Louis des Landes

Mumblings of a Space focused Software Engineer

Adelaide, Australia

Publishing shared google reader items to twitter.

March 16, 2011

Seems Feedburner by google which I've been using up until now is unreliable with posting to twitter, so this is a half post on what I've done to try getting it working, and half a post trying to test if it works with my wordpress at least :P

Because Google reader's rss feed of shared items is formatted a little strangely I made a short php script to parse it into a nicer format. OK, mainly getting rid of the annoying 'Shared by *username* ' bit.

To find your shared items url, just open reader, get the url which gets replaced, and remove the html entities %2F either side of the ID
eg for mine:


is 10440293858886564202

Plug this ID into the URL above


I then used feedburner to import this php script (hosted on my server) and activated the 'socialize' feature, which should be publishing all my shared items to twitter now, in a nice format.