Back to Cairo
June 06, 2010
Awesome. 8 hours driving back to Cairo.
One or two breaks along the way... nothing of interest to report :P
Once we were back we went out for another 'final dinner' - at the same restaurant we went to for the first one :P
Hassaan tried to say 8, but considering the only lunch we'd had was snack food on the bus we went for 6 instead. :P
Afterwards, Hassaan took Madeline and Carson of to the Cairo equivalent of a mall. Apparently they do exist. I was feeling lazy and so instead ended up watching bad movies on TV, and continued to do so the next day. I had considered the possibility of heading up to see the step pyramids, but given I had 50 LE left of cash and didn't really want to make another ATM visit, I took it cheap and bummed around near the hotel. Of course being in London now, I actually found a random 20 pound note in my jeans pocket, but anyway.