Louis des Landes
Louis des Landes

Mumblings of a Space focused Software Engineer

Adelaide, Australia

Cinnamon applets

November 26, 2013

So after trying Gnome 3 for quite some time, I've moved on to Cinnamon nowdays.

Strangely, one thing that I sorely missed was a certain extension: Media player indicator.

At first I was resigned, having dealt with coding gnome shell extensions before (such as Pidgin integration) I thought I was in for a world of hurt if I tried.
Turns out, Cinnamon developers recognise this pain, and have specifically designed 'applets' with an API which is stable across versions, allowing for nice simple plugins for their bar! They even include some nice ones - their volume applet worked with Spotify out of the box, just didn't display the title / album art on the bar.

After a quick tutorial I got the code for the sound@cinnamon.org applet, and it was suprisingly easy to add it in!

Check it out on cinnamon-spices or just use the cinnamon settings app to download it... nice!

Figured it was worth making a pull request for as well. I love github sometimes.